While reviewing for the test today, most of the question that I had gotten wrong or just not entirely correct fell into a few simple categories. The first category is Frankish and Germanic tribes and leaders, I seem to have these all mangled inside my head, so I have to get them straight. The second general category that I saw fall through no the review game was societal interactions. I seem to confuse turks and mongols, and their invasions and influences on the Islamic empire.
In order to review and grasp a better understanding of these concepts, I am going to start by resolving names, most likely by mnemonic devises in my head, then I am going to read the chapter and try to answer the interactive open ended questions on the book's websites, which have helped me to interact with the information in past exams, they also force a more critical reading of the material and tend (for me anyway) to lead to a greater understanding of the material.
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