As with any project, it is critical to have a stable and reliable base of information that has been verified and is from a reputable source. To do this, I have been using a variety of search engines and research methods, including... a book. That's right, a book.
As far as search engines are concerned, I have been using Google, Bing and SweetSearch. From these three, Google is by far the most transparent and provides an infinite number of pages to be sifted through. Bing has been overly helpful. It provides many of the same sites as Google, with a stray page here or there. The other majorly helpful search engine has been SweetSearch, which only provides more reliable content, which is much easier to sift through in order to find the sites that have been the most helpful.
Also, a book I found titled "Brassey's Book of the Crusades" has provided a great deal of information, which can be easily researched and provides context, along with other facts and geography associated with the crusades that is often left out of websites.
Wikipedia, while being good for summations of crusades is not great for incredibly specific notes, and so it is great as a starting point but needs some help from other sources. The only difficult part in finding data about the crusades is trying to uncover what is truly reliable and what is based on speculations and myths, but between three search engines and the book I found, the information is abundant.
Thank you so much for the help Jon, if you still need information that website has each crusade and they are extremely helpful.